
Sunday, May 16, 2010


    i am floating..flying..sailing out in this never ending void of space until my ship is called back and the program override is deactivated by the ones that have put me out here. i have heard nothing from my husband. i can hear nothing from anyone or anywhere with the exception of those in a small room on what would be called my home world but it was never my home. for that i have but one and he is not here.
   There is a boomerang nebula that seems to go on forever, the blue is so bright and deep that with all of the lights on this boat shut down, it feels as though i'm drifting through the deepest part of the sea. i know not when i will be rotated back to life and i am thankful i was left with a random handgun and a single bullet, how very poetic that was of them. The moment i am docked and the shuttle door opens, i will send this perfectly, elegantly, and beautifully sculpted piece of lead straight through the center of their eyes. i have zero care for whomever it is that is greeted with my hello, as long as they feel it.
   A reaver ship is passing and they've slowed since i first caught sight when i began this entry. these are the moments i fall in love with the lights in the sky all over again...and they're waving goodbye once more. xox

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


   It is growing hotter in this room, the cooling unit needs repair and Artifact best be on top of it soon or my dearly treasured attendant will be fashioned into a beautiful new set of flatware for the kitchen...or perhaps a set of chalices for my love and i  to sip from while we float past the stars..muffle the cargo..and burn towards our next bounty. 
   It is lazyness that has me writing this from bed while he sleeps beside me but i can not help it. We had a brilliant trade today and the wine went down like mother's milk. Sadly, quite literally. Getting out of these silken sheets and away from his warm body is not something i have any interest in doing anytime soon. We are coming up on passing the Pillars of Creation..if he didn't need the rest so deeply then i would wake him at first sight. There is no peace on any world that makes me feel the way i feel when we're in the black. It's ironic to me...the black. It isn't very black at all. You just have to keep a watchful eye and know where to look. There is nowhere else i would rather be and no one else i could tolerate floating out here with like this bastard in these stars with the endless rhythmic sounds of his breathing intertwined with the music in my headset.
  We'll pass our home within the week...i'm not sure if this time we'll be flying above or below the radar. Having the "wanted" posters still floating around has gotten more than sister will get what she's got coming. We might have to make a for wine and produce is all well and fine but we're about due for another major ransack of the armory.
   In the meantime...i will end this rant of an entry with these words my mother left with me: "beneath the makeup and behind the smile i am just a girl who wishes for the world." ..goodnight diary. xox .R.